What are cord blood stem cell? Where will you store them?

By definition stem cells are simple cells in the body that is able to develop into various kinds of cells like blood cells, skin cells etc.

What are the types of stem cells?

There are two types of stem cells - embryonic and non-embryonic or adult stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells have the most potency to differentiate into other types of cells that assist in the growth of the body.  Thus, they can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and health related issues. 

Let’s give you an example: - In cases of leukaemia, when a heightened amount of blood cells is required for the treatment, embryonic stem cells can be used to develop into the necessary blood cells. The use of these cells for treating ailments is known as stem cell therapy.
Adult stems cells are undifferentiated, although they too are able to renew themselves and differentiate into various connective tissues. They are found in several organs and tissues, including brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian epithelium and testis.

Each tissue comes with a limited number of stem cells. Post detaching it from the body, their ability to divide is grossly diminished. Clinical studies are trying to investigate methodologies to grow large amounts of adult stem cells in cell culture and to engineer them to produce definite cell types so they can be used to treat injuries or diseases.

Now let’s take a look at Cord Blood Stem Cells. WHAT ARE THESE?
The blood that a new born baby’s umbilical cord contains is known as cord blood. This blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells which have immunogenic and regenerative properties that enables self-renewal within the cells. Current research with these cells revealed encouraging results in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions including stroke and replacement of corneal membrane. Once these advances transform to positive therapies, any family who had saved their child's stem cells will have the means to assist these potential therapies.

With its ability to cure diseases that were previously considered untreatable, stem cell research in India has become quite widespread. In fact, according to a recent report published by Forbes, India is one of the front runners in stem cell research.  The guidelines established by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and Department of Biotechnology in 2007 are quite liberal in nature and have in turn facilitated development of stem cell research in India.
For years, umbilical cord blood was considered as an unwanted product post child birth. With the first successful umbilical cord blood transplant, more than 50 years ago, more and more families are now looking for credible evidence that is helping them to take a decision whether or not to save their newborn’s cord blood.

It is important for any expecting couple to understand the advantages that cord blood can provide and thereby consider storing the child’s cord blood in a cord blood bank. Cord blood banks are generally facilities that store umbilical cord blood in a sterile and secure location, so that it can be used in the future.
The important question which cord blood bank is better? Private? Or Public? Let us look at the Pros and Cons of Private and Public Bank.

The right to the baby’s Stem Cells and cord blood belong wholly to the parents and only they have the right to decide how and when it can be used.
  • If the baby’s stem cells are privately stored then the need for looking for an unrelated donor during transplant procedures - is not necessary.
  • The stem cells stored for one child can also be used to treat a younger or older sibling or other blood related family members. Autologous (self): 100% Match is guaranteed. Siblings: 1-in-4 chance of a perfect match, 39% chance of a transplant-acceptable match. 
  • There is a charge that needs to be paid to the private organization with whom you choose to store your baby’s cord blood.
  • There are no additional costs at the time of sample retrieval and transportation anywhere in the world. Additionally, most private banks have a stated clause in their agreement on how much will they contribute towards treatment or therapy costs in case of sample retrieval.
  • There is no fee or cost charged for the collection of cord blood from the child.
  • The stem cells collected from the child are publicly stored and can be accessed and used by anyone. Donating stem cells to a public bank makes it less likely that the cells will be accessible to the donor for use in future therapies.
  • In cases where no match can be found within the family, an unrelated donor can be easily located.
  • At the time of requesting a sample from a public bank there will be a cost attached to it that may range between US$ 25,000 – 35,000. Transportation expenses to the location of transplant will also have to be borne by the individual taking the cord blood from a family bank.
  • Treatment costs are again wholly borne by the patient requesting a sample from a public bank.

Cordlife India is the largest and most advanced cord blood facility in the country, with storage capacity of up to 150,000 cord blood units which can be further extended. The state-of-the-art laboratory with full processing, testing and cryopreservation capabilities is equipped with continuous power back-up as well as the most-up to-date security and surveillance systems based out of Kolkata. In addition, the building is specially designed to withstand any natural calamity. Cordlife accredited by AABB, registered with US-FDA, certified by ISO 9001:2008, WHO GMP & licensed by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI).

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